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Author: business

Diffus working on “100 Dancers” project

One hundred international dancers and choreographers will meet in Copenhagen from the 28th July to the 5th August 2011. The participants create or teach within the field of Contact Improvisation and dance performance. Diffus is invited to create a performance space in which a network of interactive light patterns will be generated trough the use of special made wearables.

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“Climate Dress” at Hong Kong Convention Center

March 30. to april 1.: The “Climate Dress” was shown at “Prime Source Forum” at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre . The “Climate Dress” was the main attraction of the “fashioTECH” track. About the Forum: Prime Source Forum brings together senior management from across the globe to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing manufacturers, suppliers and retailers involved in the production and sale of garments/textiles.

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Diffus guest speaker at “R&D Brokerage Event” in Bursa, Turkey

February 20th. – 21th. 2011: Diffus Design was invited by the Textile and Clothing Exporters’ Association in Bursa, Turkey, where the association organises an annual “R&D brokerage event“, a visionary event for the whole of the industry. The topic of discussion was innovative design. The round table panel involved Turkish futurist Alphan Manas, US Valerie Casey and Michel Guglielmi. About The textiles and Clothing Association: The purpose of the association is to prepare the environment necessary...

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Talk at Textile and Clothing Exporters’ Association, Bursa, Turkey

February 20th. – 21th. 2011: Diffus Design is invited by the Textile and Clothing Exporters’ Association in Bursa, Turkey, where the association organises their annual “R&D and Innovation Market“, a visionary event for the whole of the industry. It will be followed by a discussion around the topic of innovative design. The round table panel will involve Turkish futurist Alphan Manas, US Valeria Casey and Michel Guglielmi. About The Textiles and Clothing Association: The purpose of the association...

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When Haute Couture meets High Tech…

Hundreds of tiny LEDs integrated into an intricate embroidery pattern light up the CO2 sensing dress developed by Danish design studio Diffus and herald the next generation of wearable technologies. Using innovative conductive yarns developed especially for this purpose, Swiss embroidery specialist Forster Rohner created patterns that were both appealing and functional without compromising their textile quality. This soft circuitry is a milestone in integrating electronic functionality into textiles and...

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