Projects by Diffus presented to crown princess Mary of Denmark
The “UV-Dress”, the “Climate dress” and the “Solar Bag” played a central role while princess Mary actively participated in a exhibition about Climate, environment and health issues. Our work with Smart textiles triggered curiosity at the Royal Opera in Copenhagen. Also curiosity from princess Mary which enthusiastically asked many questions while she got introduced to our latest projects.
The UV dress-project had its mediatic debuts the day before, during the evening talk show on DR1, the Danish main TV Channel. It is a symbolic dress, emphasizing todays anxieties regarding environmental issues and an eager to protect ourselves from climatic threats. A protective skin which may open or close in order to filter the amount of UV radiations which impacts our body. The dress is made out of many apertures, similar to those known in photographic cameras. Connected to an UV sensor. the apertures react in real time to the surrounding conditions by allowing an ever changing amount of radiation to reach our skin.
During the “Health Environment Climate” exhibition at the Danish Royal Opera.: Our model wearing the UV-Dress admired by princess Mary, together with Ole madsen (leader at Alexandra Institute), Rikke Koch (Project manager at Alexandra Institute), Hanne Louise Johannesen (partner at Diffus), Michel Guglielmi (partner at Diffus) and Denmark’s Minister for European Affairs, Nikolai Wammenand.
The UV-Dress is the result of a collaboration with Alexandra Institute which providing technical expertise and Designer Mette Lindberg.
Design assistant at Diffus Design: Martina Uhlig.